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Select a course below to complete your registration.

Nevada DUI School

Nevada DUI Course

$45 - Nevada Online DUI Only Course

Focused DUI Education for Nevada Residents, Accessible Anytime, Anywhere

Our Nevada Online DUI Only Course offers a focused curriculum specifically designed for those required to complete DUI education as part of their court mandates. This online course delivers essential information on the laws surrounding DUI in Nevada, the effects of alcohol and drugs on driving ability, and strategies for making safer driving decisions in the future. The self-paced format allows participants to engage with the material on their schedule, making it an ideal solution for busy lifestyles. Complete with interactive elements and up-to-date content, this course aims to effectively influence positive behavioral change.

Nevada Victim Impact Panel

Victim Impact Panel

$24 - Victim Impact Panel (VIP) Course

Empathy Through Experience: Understanding the Real Impact of Impaired Driving

The Victim Impact Panel (VIP) Course is a powerful online program designed to give participants a firsthand look at the devastating impacts of impaired driving on victims, families, and communities. Through engaging with stories and testimonials from real-life victims, this course fosters a deep sense of empathy and understanding, aiming to deter future DUI offenses. Available online, the VIP course offers flexibility and accessibility, allowing individuals to reflect on the consequences of their actions in a personal and impactful manner. This course is an essential component for anyone looking to complete their DUI-related requirements or to simply understand the profound effects of impaired driving.

Nevada Online DUI School and Victim Impact Panel

Nevada DUI Course and VIP

$48 - Nevada Online DUI & Victim Impact Panel (VIP)

Comprehensive DUI Education & Victim Impact Panel in One Convenient Online Package

Our Nevada Online DUI and VIP Course is a streamlined, efficient program designed to meet court requirements for individuals charged with DUI offenses. This inclusive package offers a dual benefit: a complete DUI education course and a Victim Impact Panel (VIP) session. Crafted by experts in substance abuse education and victim advocacy, this course aims to provide participants with a thorough understanding of DUI consequences, both legally and personally, while promoting responsible driving habits. Accessible 24/7 online, it allows learners to complete their requirements at their own pace, from the comfort of their home, ensuring flexibility and privacy.
